Monday, 26 August 2019

Five Reasons to say Yes to Massage Therapy

Massage has been in practice for thousands of years now. Today, you can choose from more than eighty massage therapy styles that have variety of pressures, movements, and techniques. The popularity has grown so much as a mainstream treatment option, many insurance companies provide coverage for the treatment sessions.

From involving the hands-on techniques to relieve tension, increase circulation, reduce stress, improve sleep, relieve anxiety, and promote relaxation throughout the entire body, massage therapy has a plenty of benefits to look up to.

If you are looking for professional therapy for Massage in Glasgow, check out the following points:
  • Counteracts all that sitting you do
Most individuals deal with some kind of postural stress which is most commonly manifested in the shoulders and neck. Desk workers are often warned about the possible complications. More advanced forms of postural stress are seen in low back and gluteals caused by prolonged periods of sitting. Regular massage from the experts can help to relax the stiffness and eventually help in sitting up.
  • Eases muscle pain
As understood, weekly massages can help overcome sore muscles. A 2011 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, shared how the massage therapy is one of the most effective methods of treatment for chronic back pain.
  • Soothes anxiety and depression
Experts have forever believed that human touch, in a context that is safe, friendly and professional, can be incredibly therapeutic and relaxing.  In fact, women diagnosed with breast cancer received massage therapy thrice a week and reported an evident change in their behaviour, according to a 2005 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience.
Similarly, a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, showed reduced levels of stress after patients who were depressed and anxious received regular massage therapy.
  • Improves sleep
Not only do benefits of massage encourage a restful sleep, it also aids those who cannot otherwise comfortably rest. Massage Glasgow promotes relaxation and sleep even in patients who undergo chemo or radiation therapy. Additionally, massages help infants cry less, sleep more, and be less stressed, according to research from the University of Warwick.
  • Boosts immunity
A healthy body has a healthy mind. And with positivity incu8lcated, you will be prone to lesser chances of diseases and health issues. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed massage boosts patients’ white blood cell count and improves immune function for individuals, even with patients suffering from HIV.

Committed to create a calming massage experience for recipients, Relax is one of the finest places to unwind your tiredness after a long day. Whether you're looking for a therapeutic pain relief massage, or sports massage, visit the studio for a relaxing session. Visit now!

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